Sheykin, S.Ye., Pohreliuk, I.M., Iefrosinin, D.V., Rostotskiy, I.Yu., Sergach, D.A.
The Use of Titanium in the Friction Units of Artificial Joints
Language: English
Sci. innov. 2015, 11(3):5-10
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Krivtsov, V.S., Voronko, V.V., Zaytsev, V.Ye.
Advanced Prospects for the Development of Aircraft Assembly Technology
Language: English
Sci. innov. 2015, 11(3):11-18
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Kozhevnikov, А.А., Sudakov, А.К., Dreus, A.Yu.
An Innovative Technology for Provision of Drill-Hole Equipment with Cryogenic-Gravel Filters
Language: English
Sci. innov. 2015, 11(3):21-34
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Burushkina, T.N., Ratushniak, V.V., Kolychev, V.I., Prepodobnyi, V.M., Plotnikov, Yu.A.
Preparation and Properties of Finely Dispersed Foodstuffs from Raw Vegetable Materials
Language: English
Sci. innov. 2015, 11(3):35-44
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Zabulonov, Yu.L., Litvinenko, Yu.V., Kadoshnikov, V.M., Alekseeva, O.V., Burtnyak, V.M., Odukalets, L.A., Borodina, N.A.
New Approaches to Cleaning of Liquid Radioactive Waste
Language: English
Sci. innov. 2015, 11(3):47-58
| Full text (PDF)
Turov, V.V., Krupska, T.V., Barvinchenko, V.M., Lipkovska, N.A., Yukhymenko, Ye.V., Kartel, M.T.
Protective Action Mechanism of ECOSTIM Nanocomposite for Presowing Treatment of Seeds
Language: English
Sci. innov. 2015, 11(3):59-66
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Zalizniak, B.V.
Let’s Work, Friends!
Language: English
Sci. innov. 2015, 11(3):69-70
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Kryvtsov, V.S., Gorbenko, А.V., Kharchenko, V.S.
Innovative Education and Science in Information Technologies: Experience of N. Ye. Zhukovsky National Aerospace University (KhAI)
Language: English
Sci. innov. 2015, 11(3):71-74
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