Thermoregulated Nitric Cryosystem for Cooling Gas-Filled Detectors of Ionizing Radiation

TitleThermoregulated Nitric Cryosystem for Cooling Gas-Filled Detectors of Ionizing Radiation
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsZharkov, IP, Kutniy, VYe., Rybka, AV, Palamarchuk, SP, Safronov, VV, Selivanov, OV, Solonetsky, AG, Khodunov, VO, Kholomeev, GO
Short TitleSci. innov.
SectionResearch and Engineering Innovative Projects of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

A cryosystem has been designed for cooling and filling the gas-filled detectors of ionizing radiation with compressed inert gas. It is based wide-mouthed nitrogen cryostat that enables controlling detector temperature in the range of 173 – 293 K and stabilizing it with accuracy of ± 1°. The project has been implemented within the Ukraine–NATO Program of Collaboration, Grant SfP no.984655.

Keywordsand gas-filled radiation detectors., cryosystem, nitrogen, temperature control, temperature stability

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