Cryoapparatus with Embedded Superconductive Solenoid for Studying the Magneto- and Electro-Physical Properties

TitleCryoapparatus with Embedded Superconductive Solenoid for Studying the Magneto- and Electro-Physical Properties
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsZharkov, IP, Safronov, VV, Palamarchuk, SP, Pylypchuk, OS, Solonetsky, AG, Khodunov, VO
Short TitleSci. innov.
SectionScientific Framework of the Innovation Activity
Complex cryogenic equipment based on temperature-controlled helium cryostat with a superconducting embedded solenoid for studying the galvanic and magnetic phenomena in 2D systems has been designed. It ensures the temperature control of studied sample within the ranges of 1.6-4.2; 4.2-80; and 80-300 К and the temperature stability in the magnetic field of up to 7.84 T with an accuracy of 0.1 K, at most.
Keywordscryogenic system, helium, superconductive solenoid, temperature control, temperature stability
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