ISSN 2413-4996 (English ed. Online)
ISSN 2409-9066 (English ed. Print)
ISSN 2409-9066 (English ed. Print)
Title | Study of Thermal Conductivity Character of Natural and Chemical Textile Fillers for Blankets Production |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2020 |
Authors | Forostyana, NP, Mykhailova, HM, Osiievska, VV, Marchuk, NB |
Short Title | Sci. innov. |
DOI | 10.15407/scine16.04.034 |
Volume | 16 |
Issue | 4 |
Section | Scientific Basis of Innovation Activity |
Pagination | 34-43 |
Language | English |
Abstract | Introduction. The significant role in optimization of assortment and designing of blankets with given properties belongs to the choice of the filler, in particular to its thermophysical parameters, which differ in different materials.
Problems. Thermal conductivity of blankets with fillers of protein origin in particular sheep’s wool, camel wool, cashmere wool has not studied enough. Control and measurement of the specified indicator will optimize the choice of materials during the design of bedding products with volumetric fillers, specifically blankets. Purpose. estimation of thermal conductivity of different types fillers. Materials and Methods. samples of fillers of different fiber composition (sheep’s wool, camel wool, cashmere wool) were the objects of the study. experimental researches were carried out in kyiv national university of Trade and economics laboratories using the module “heat” of the multi-functional measuring module device MiG—1.3. The photos of the fillers were made using universal measuring computer with resolution of 600 pixels. Results. Microscopic studies of the fibers have shown that the density of the fillers is different, and the mass of air in them and, accordingly, the mass of the filler fibers themselves differ, that in a result affect the thermal conductivity of the material. According to the obtained data, a number of fillers were formed according to their thermal conductivity: camel wool → sheep wool → cashmere wool → polyester fiber. Conclusions. The results showed that the most effective in terms of heat saving is a filler made of camel wool, while polyester fiber has a thermal conductivity in 2.2 times lower. it should be taken into account forming the heat-protective properties of bedding with bulky fillers, including blankets, with the aim of optimization of their range. |
Keywords | blanket, camel wool, cashmere wool, polyester fiber, sheep’s wool, thermal conductivity |
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