
Found 350 results
Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
Kraus NM, Kraus KM, Andrusiak NO. Digital Cubic Space as a New Economic Augmented Reality. 2020 ;16(3):92-105.
Geyets VM, Kyrylenko OV, Basok BI, Baseyev Ye.T. Energy Strategy: Projections (Review). 2020 ;16(1):3-14.
Surianinov MG, Otrosh Yu.A, Balduk PG, Dadashov IF. Experimental and Computer Research of Reinforced Concrete Columns Under High Temperature Effects. 2020 ;16(2):51-56.
Vasylenkov VYe., Gudzenko MN. Experimental Determination of the Dose of Energy Received by Seed Material After Irradiation by Electric Field. 2020 ;16(5):63-70.
Dikarev KB, Kuzmenko OM, Petrenko VO, Sankov PM, Kyslytsia LV, Ibadov N. Experimental Study of Operating Indicators of a Thermalactic Covering Panel. 2020 ;16(2):57-65.
Dorohan-Pysarenko LO, Yehorova OV, Panchenko IG. The features of analysis of efficiency of implementation technological innovations in agriculture. 2020 ;16(3):25-35.
Yefymenko TI. Fiscal Regulation of National Economies' Sustainable Growth. 2020 ;16(5):20-35.
Pinchuk SY, Vnukov OO, Kushnir Yu.O, Roslyk IG. Improvement of the Operational Properties of Sintered Copper Steel Through the Use of an Efficient Alloying Method. 2020 ;16(1):76-82.
Semykin SI, Golub TS, Dudchenko SO. Improving the Efficiency of the Low-Voltage Potential Application Method at Top Oxygen Blowing in Converter. 2020 ;16(2):72-79.
Polishсhuk VM, Shvorov SA, Tarasenko SYe., Antypov IO. Increasing the Bio Gas Release During the Cattle Manure Fermentation by Means the Rational Addition of Substandard Flour as a Cosubstrate. 2020 ;16(4):23-33.
