
Found 350 results
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Pyatchanina TV, Ogorodnik AM, Vasilyev OV, Mazur MG. Analysis of Patent Activity in R.E. Kavetsky Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radiobiology of the NAS of Ukraine. 2019 ;15(3):53-61.
Kozhevnikov АА, Sudakov АК. Anniversaries of Innovative Drilling Technologies. Reference Review. 2015 ;11(4):55-65.
Dolzhansky AM, Proydak Yu.S, Revenko OO. Application of Analysis and Risks Assessment Methods for Quality Activities Assurance at the University. 2016 ;12(5):5-12.
Kuzmina TО, Yedynovych MB, Berezovsky Yu.V, Bobyr SV, Yevtushenko VV, Rudenko IA. Application of Biologically Active Substances for Storage of Oil Flax Straw. 2018 ;14(4):25-37.
Berezovsky Yu.V. Application of New Technical Decisions in the Industrial Flax Production. 2016 ;12(4):47-63.
Voyevoda VM, Melenevskyi DO, Derzhypolskyi AG. Application of Portable Raman Spectrometers for Rapid Production Control and Analysis in the Field Environment. 2014 ;10(2):72-75.
Venger Ye.F, Gordienko VI, Dunaevskiy VI, Kotovskiy VI, Maslov VP. Application of Thermography In Ukraine. 2015 ;11(6):5-14.
Sybiryakova Ye.S, Shulga OV, Vovk VS, Kaliuzhniy MP, Bushuev FI, Kulichenko MO, Haloley MI, Chernozub VM. The Artificial Satellites’ Observation Using the Complex of Telescopes of RI «MAO». 2017 ;13(1):10-14.
Bulakh IV. Artistic and Aesthetic Formation and Evolution of Architectural and Urban Planning Space. 2019 ;15(5):57-66.
Kashkovsky VI, Yevdokymenko VO, Kamenskyh DS, Tkachenko TV, Vakhrin VV. Ash and Ash-slag Waste as Multifunctional Raw Material. 2017 ;13(4):46-55.
