
Found 350 results
Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
Danylenko Yu.A. Characteristics and Classification of Innovation and Innovation Process. 2018 ;14(3):14-26.
Zharkov IP, Safronov VV, Khodunov VO, Konoval VM, Maslov VO, Selivanov OV, Solonetsky AG, Strelchuk VV, Nikolenko АS, Tsykaniuk BI, et al. Creation of Specialized Manipulators for Low Temperature Research. 2018 ;14(2):27-34.
Klymenko SA, Prokopiv MM. Creation оf New Types оf Competitive Cutting Plates аnd Manufacture оf Pilot Instrument for Mechanical Processing of Hard-To-Machine Materials. 2018 ;14(1):71-75.
Khimich OM, Mova VI, Nikolaichuk ОO, Popov OV, Chistjakova TV, Tulchinsky VG. Deintelligent Parallel Computer with Intel Xeon Phi Processors of New Generation. 2018 ;14(6):61-72.
Petrov VV, Antonov Ye.Ye., Kryuchyn AA, Shanoilo SM. Development and Implementation of High-performance Circular Retroreflective Elements for Illumination of Highways and Transport Networks of Kyiv. 2018 ;14(5):57-61.
Bondarenko BI, Kozhan OP, Dmіtrіev VM, Rjabchuk VS, Stratіvnov Ye.V, Simeiko KV. Development of Technology and Trial Production of Extremely High Resistant Nanoporous Graphite Sealers for Nuclear Reactors. 2018 ;14(5):62-68.
Semkiv MV, Ternavska OT, Dmytruk KV, Sybirny AA. Effect of Trehalose and Glycerol on the Resistance of Recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae Strains to Desiccation, Freeze-Thaw and Osmotic Stresses. 2018 ;14(6):73-85.
Sankov PM, Tkach NO, Dikarev KB, Blyzniuk AM, Hvadzhaia BD. Effect оf Motor Transport оn the Working Places in the Service Infrastructure (by Noise Factor and Urban Air Pollution in the Center of the Dnipro City). 2018 ;14(3):59-66.
Lavrinenko VI, Sheiko MM, Paschenko Ye.O, Riabchenko SV. Elaboration of Technology for Making High-porous Abrasive Wheels of Monocrystalline Corund of the European Nomenclature Using a Precision Instrument of Superhard Materials for Turbobuilding of Ukraine. 2018 ;14(5):49-56.
Golik VI, Komashchenko VI, Morkun VS, Morkun NV, Hryshchenko SM. Energy Saving in Mining Production. 2018 ;14(3):29-39.
