
Found 345 results
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Blahuta RI, Blikhar VS, Dufeniuk OM. Transfer of 3D Scanning Technologies Into the Field of Criminal Proceedings. 2020 ;16(3):84-91.
Blume Ya.B, Pirko Ya.V, Burlaka OM, Borova MM, Danylenko IA, Smertenko PS, Yemets AI. "Green" Synthesis of Noble Metal Nanoparticles and CdS Semiconductor Nanocrystals Using Biological Materials. 2015 ;11(1):55-66.
Bodryagin DV, Bondarchuk LYe., Maigurova NV. Astrometrical Observations of the Selected WDS Stars. 2017 ;13(1):46-50.
Bogza SL. New Heterocyclic Systems for New Pharmaceuticals. 2015 ;11(6):68-74.
Bohdanovych VYu., Syrotenko АM, Pievtsov HV, Dovhan OD, Dublian OV. Method of Information and Timing Support of Global, Local Socio-Political and other Processes in the Contemporary Security Environment. 2020 ;16(2):94-99.
Bondarenko BI, Kozhan OP, Dmіtrіev VM, Rjabchuk VS, Stratіvnov Ye.V, Simeiko KV. Development of Technology and Trial Production of Extremely High Resistant Nanoporous Graphite Sealers for Nuclear Reactors. 2018 ;14(5):62-68.
Boublyk SG, Bulkin IO, Mekh OA. Scientometric Evaluation of Science-Centric Orientation of the National Legislation. 2020 ;16(1):31-44.
Bovhyra RV, Zhyrovetskyy VM, Popovych DI, Savka SS, Serednytskij AS. Development and Creation of Gas-Sensor System Based on Low Dimensional Metal Oxides. 2016 ;12(6):57-62.
Boyun VP, Sabelnikov PYu., Sabelnikov Yu.A. Video Processing Device for Automated Tracking of the Object Identified in Image by the Operator. 2016 ;12(2):25-34.
Boyun VP, Sabelnikov PYu., Sabelnikov Yu.A. Algorithms for Analysis of Television and Thermal Images in Special-purpose Video Devices and Systems. 2014 ;10(6):17-23.
