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Breus NM, Hrybkov SV, Polischuk GYe, Seidykh OL. Development of Mathematical Apparatus of the Expert System for Modelling Ice Cream Recipes with Specified Quality Parameters. 2019 ;15(5):69-77.
Brodyn MS, Vesna VT, Degoda VYa., Zaitsevskiy IL, Kozhushko BV. Dual-Energy Semiconductor Detector of X-Rays and Gamma Radiation. 2014 ;10(2):45-49.
Bubenko PT, Gagauz IB, Gusev VA, Lukyanets SP. Kharkiv Innovation System: Status, Challenges, and Prospects. 2014 ;10(5):65-70.
Bulakh IV. Artistic and Aesthetic Formation and Evolution of Architectural and Urban Planning Space. 2019 ;15(5):57-66.
Bulat АF, Voloshyn OI, Potapchuk IYu., Yemelianenko VI, Zhovtonoha MM, Zhevzhyk OV, Manigandan S. Mathematical Modeling of the Gas Dynamic Parameters of Impinging Heat-Transfer Medium Jet in Borehole Thermal Reaming Process. 2019 ;15(3):17-23.
Burkynskyi BV, Sokolovska ZM, Alyokhin OB, Khumarova NI, Kapustyan IV. Tools of Decision Making in the Field of Strategic Advertisement of Pharmaceutical Enterprises. 2020 ;16(2):18-30.
Burushkina TN, Ratushniak VV, Kolychev VI, Prepodobnyi VM, Plotnikov Yu.A. Preparation and Properties of Finely Dispersed Foodstuffs from Raw Vegetable Materials. 2015 ;11(3):35-44.
Buyak BB, Korsun IV, Matsyuk VM. Contribution of Ukrainian Scientists to the Development of Technology. 2019 ;15(6):94-102.
Buyun LI, Ivannikov RV, Yakymets VM, Stepankov RS, Kharytonova IP, Kozhokaru AA. Phytomodule Cluster as a Structural Element of Indoor Area of Various Functional Purpose. 2020 ;16(4):83-97.
