
Found 350 results
Author Title [ Type(Desc)] Year
Journal Article
Chekhun VF, Lukianova NYu., Borikun TV, Bezdenezhnykh NA, Shepelenko IV, Bazas VM, Klyusov AN. The Clinical Significance of Tumor MIR-122, -155, -182, and -200b Expression in Patients with Breast Cancer. 2017 ;13(5):63-69.
Grinyov BV, Bulavin LA, Soloviov DV, Stadnik PO. Collaboration with JINR as Key for Nuclear Physics Development in Ukraine. 2020 ;16(6):72-81.
Tsybulov PM, Korsun VF. Commercialization of Intellectual Property by Universities and Research Institutes: the U.S. Experience and Possibilities for Its Use within Ukraine. 2014 ;10(3):45-54.
Kodynetz АO, Maidanyk LR. Commercialization of Intellectual Property Rights as Foundation for Innovation. 2019 ;15(4):81-92.
Zharkov IP, Safronov VV, Khodunov VO, Konoval VM, Maslov VO, Selivanov OV, Solonetsky AG, Strelchuk VV, Nikolenko AS, Tsykaniuk BI. Complex of Cryogenic Apparatus for Infrared Fourier Bruker Vertex 70v Spectrometer. 2019 ;15(4):69-77.
Kashkovsky VI, Yevdokymenko VO, Kamenskyh DS, Tkachenko TV, Vakhrin VV. Complex Technology for Processing Some Organоmineral Waste. 2017 ;13(3):51-61.
Vovk MI, Halian Ye.B, Kutsiak OA. Computer Software and Hardware Complex for Personal Oral Speech Restoration after a Stroke. 2020 ;16(1):54-68.
Popadynets VI. Conception of Raising the Living Standards of Territorial Community Based on the Introduction and Development of New Forms of Innovation and Investment Cooperation Between the Regional Authorities and the Local Community. 2015 ;11(2):71-75.
Matviyenko SA. Conceptual Design of Geophysical Microsatellite. 2014 ;10(6):5-14.
Zakharov Yu.I, Sankov PM, Trifonov IV, Tkach NO, Toshyna LO. The Content and Specific Features of Reconstructing the Residential Houses of Various Configurations. 2019 ;15(3):79-90.
