
Found 350 results
Author Title [ Type(Desc)] Year
Journal Article
Kossko IO, Pashin DM, Valitov MI. Using the TGA-DSC-IR-GCMS Combined System and TL-9000 Transfer Line for the Analysis of Organic Objects. 2014 ;10(2):76-79.
Kolomiets VM, Shkurat OI, Kravchenko SM, Lopatkin RYu., Chyzhov IG, Samoilov PYe., Pavlenko Yu.A, Melnyk MO, Honcharenko OI. The Vacuum Device for Receiving Coatings on the Inner Surface of the Pipes by Magnetron Sputtering. 2020 ;16(4):50-56.
Krasovska OV. Venture Capital in Russia and Ukraine: Current Trends and Ways of Stepping Up Venture Investments. 2014 ;10(4):69-75.
Boyun VP, Sabelnikov PYu., Sabelnikov Yu.A. Video Processing Device for Automated Tracking of the Object Identified in Image by the Operator. 2016 ;12(2):25-34.
Nazarovets SA. War and Peace: The Peculiarities of Ukrainian-Russian Scientific Cooperation Dynamics Against the Background of Russian Military Aggression in Ukraine, in 2014-2016. 2017 ;13(5):37-41.
Azaryan AA, Batareyev OS, Karamanits FI, Kolosov VO, Morkun VS. Ways to Reduce Ore Losses and Dilution in Iron Ore Underground Mining in Kryvbass. 2018 ;14(4):17-24.
Zhuk PV. We Need Support. 2015 ;11(5):70-72.
Cherepova TS, Dmitrieva GP, Nosenko AV, Semirga AM. Wear-Resistant Alloy for Protection of Contact Surfaces of Aircraft Engine Rotor Blades from Oxidation at High Temperatures. 2014 ;10(4):20-28.
Seumenicht O, Garaschuk O, Ladokhin O. WHITE PAPER: Ideas and Recommendations “WAY FORWARD FOR SCIENCE IN UKRAINE: Perspective of the Ukrainian Research Diaspora”. 2019 ;15(5):106-119.
Radchenko AI. World Disruptive Innovations (based on Thomson Reuters Report, 2016). 2016 ;12(6):65-69.
