
Found 350 results
Author Title [ Type(Desc)] Year
Journal Article
Buyak BB, Korsun IV, Matsyuk VM. Contribution of Ukrainian Scientists to the Development of Technology. 2019 ;15(6):94-102.
Yefymenko TI. Coordination of Counteraction to Turmoil in the Economic Space of the Black Sea Region. 2019 ;15(5):5-20.
Kravets OP, Sokolova DO, Berestyana AM, Shnurenko OR, Bannikova MO, Morgun BV, Kuchuk MV, Grodzinsky DM. Correlation between Ecological Plasticity of Elite Winter Wheat Varieties and DNA Methylation Pattern Polymorphism within Variety. 2016 ;12(2):50-59.
Kovalenko OP. Creating Conditions for Managing the Processes of Self-Organization of Ukrainian SocioEconomic Systems in the Decentralization Environment. 2015 ;11(5):66-69.
Radchenko VG, Matiashuk RK, Zhyhalenko OA, Grusha VM. Creation and Implementation of an Electronic Database and Marking System for Identifying and Obtaining Information on Plant Species in Botanical Gardens, Dendrological Parks and Park Monuments of the Landscape Art. 2017 ;13(6):51-55.
Ponomarenko OM, Brik AB, Dudchenko NO. Creation of Concentrates Using Oxidised Iron Ore Tailings by Transformation of their Magnetic Characteristacs and Subsequent Magnetic Separation. 2016 ;12(5):59-64.
Prokopenko GI, Mordyuk BM, Krasovsky TA, Knish VV, Solovey SO. Creation of Industrial Equipment for High Frequency Mechanical Impact on Railway Car Building Products and Methods for Assessing the Quality of Treatment. 2019 ;15(2):25-37.
Marukha VI, Sylovanyuk VP, Serednitskiy Ya.А. Creation of Polyurethane and Urethane Foam Injectable Materials and Their Pilot Production; Development and Implementation of Technology for Strengthening and Rehabilitating the Damaged Constructions and Buildings. 2015 ;11(1):72-79.
Zharkov IP, Safronov VV, Khodunov VO, Konoval VM, Maslov VO, Selivanov OV, Solonetsky AG, Strelchuk VV, Nikolenko АS, Tsykaniuk BI, et al. Creation of Specialized Manipulators for Low Temperature Research. 2018 ;14(2):27-34.
Prykhodko VI, Vysokolyan MV, Volochai VV, Prokopenko GІ, Mordyuk BN, Cherepin VТ, Krasovskiy ТА, Popova ТV. Creation of Ultrasonic Equipment for Strengthening and Relaxation Treatment of Welded Structures in Railcar Building. 2014 ;10(1):5-16.
