
Found 350 results
Author Title [ Type(Desc)] Year
Journal Article
Markovskyi OV, Bannikova MO, Borisova VV, Fedorenko TV, Morgun BV. Detection of Genes Determining the Quality Characteristics of Maize Grain and its Resistance to Stress Factors. 2014 ;10(1):41-53.
Kapitsa Yu., Aralova N. Determination of Royalty Rates for International Technology Transfer Agreements. 2015 ;11(2):51-68.
Bovhyra RV, Zhyrovetskyy VM, Popovych DI, Savka SS, Serednytskij AS. Development and Creation of Gas-Sensor System Based on Low Dimensional Metal Oxides. 2016 ;12(6):57-62.
Petrov VV, Antonov Ye.Ye., Kryuchyn AA, Shanoilo SM. Development and Implementation of High-performance Circular Retroreflective Elements for Illumination of Highways and Transport Networks of Kyiv. 2018 ;14(5):57-61.
Telegeev G, Polishchuk L, Lisecka T, Shvachko L, Dybkov M, Stakhovsky O, Vitruk І, Stakhovsky E. Development and Testing of Complex Molecular Genetic Diagnosis of Genitourinary System Neoplasms. 2015 ;11(2):35-43.
Shelyagin VD, Lukashenko AG, Khaskin VYu., Lukashenko DA, Lukashenko VA. Development of Automated Laser Welding Technology and Equipment for Manufacturing Parts of Marine Engine Heat Exchanger. 2014 ;10(5):31-35.
Khokhlov AV, Khokhlova LY, Titarenko MV. Development of Bio Sorption Composites of a Destructive Type for Purification of Soil Contaminated with Pesticides. 2020 ;16(3):65-76.
Soloviev SO, Kyriienko PI, Popovych NO, Larina OV. Development of Catalysts for Abating Toxic Nitrogen Oxides in Gas Emissions of Nitrogen Acid Production. 2019 ;15(1):59-71.
Stupnik MI, Peregudov VV, Morkun VS, Oliinyk TA, Korolenko MK. Development of Concentration Technology for Medium-Impregnated Hematite Quartzite of Kryvyirih Iron Ore Basin. 2020 ;16(6):56-71.
Fayura LR, Boretsky Yu.R, Pynyaha Yu.V, Martynyuk NB, Skorohod VV, Sybirny AA. Development of Cultivation Technology for the Escherichia Coli Recombinant Strain Producing Arginine Deiminase of Mycoplasma Hominis. 2014 ;10(4):29-36.
