
Found 350 results
Author Title Type [ Year(Desc)]
Venger Ye.F, Gordienko VI, Dunaevskiy VI, Kotovskiy VI, Maslov VP. Application of Thermography In Ukraine. 2015 ;11(6):5-14.
Mazur AYe., Kucherevskyi VV, Shol HN, Baranets MO, Sirenko TV, Krasnoshtan OV. Biotechnology for Iron Ore Dump Remediation by Creating Steady Plants Associations. 2015 ;11(4):37-46.
Vakhitova LM, Calafat KV, Drizhd VL, Taran NА. Chemical Solutions of Fire Protection Problems. 2015 ;11(6):39-45.
Korotkikh NI, Saberov VSh., Rayenko GF, Glinyanaya NV, Knishevitsky АV, Shvaika ОP. Chemistry of Stable Carbenes and «Green» Technologies. 2015 ;11(6):46-54.
Popadynets VI. Conception of Raising the Living Standards of Territorial Community Based on the Introduction and Development of New Forms of Innovation and Investment Cooperation Between the Regional Authorities and the Local Community. 2015 ;11(2):71-75.
Kovalenko OP. Creating Conditions for Managing the Processes of Self-Organization of Ukrainian SocioEconomic Systems in the Decentralization Environment. 2015 ;11(5):66-69.
Marukha VI, Sylovanyuk VP, Serednitskiy Ya.А. Creation of Polyurethane and Urethane Foam Injectable Materials and Their Pilot Production; Development and Implementation of Technology for Strengthening and Rehabilitating the Damaged Constructions and Buildings. 2015 ;11(1):72-79.
Kapitsa Yu., Aralova N. Determination of Royalty Rates for International Technology Transfer Agreements. 2015 ;11(2):51-68.
Telegeev G, Polishchuk L, Lisecka T, Shvachko L, Dybkov M, Stakhovsky O, Vitruk І, Stakhovsky E. Development and Testing of Complex Molecular Genetic Diagnosis of Genitourinary System Neoplasms. 2015 ;11(2):35-43.
Yurkiv MT, Kurylenko OO, Vasylyshyn RV, Dmytruk KV, Martynyuk NB, Skorohod VV, Sybirny AA. Development of Glutathione Production Technology Based on Designed Active Yeast Overproducers. 2015 ;11(5):53-60.
