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Student MM, Hvozdetskyi VM, Stupnytskyi TR, Dzioba Yu.V. Development of Electrometallic Equipment and Newest Consumables for Applying Protective and Reductive Coatings to Parts of Machinery Used in Mining, Transport, and Food Processing Industries. 2017 ;13(6):34-38.
Stognii BS, Kyrylenko OV, Pavlovsky VV, Sopel MF, Steliuk AO, Lukianenko LM. Development of Emergency System of Power Grids with a Significant Renewable Generation. 2016 ;12(4):22-26.
Galkin SM, Rybalka IA, Tupitsyna ІА, Zvereva VS, Litichevskiy VA. The Development of Flexible Scintillation Panels Based on Chalcogenide and Oxide Phosphors for Advanced X-Ray Scanners and Tomographs. 2016 ;12(6):37-45.
Yurkiv MT, Kurylenko OO, Vasylyshyn RV, Dmytruk KV, Martynyuk NB, Skorohod VV, Sybirny AA. Development of Glutathione Production Technology Based on Designed Active Yeast Overproducers. 2015 ;11(5):53-60.
Shapovalov Ye.V, Koliada VO, Topchev DD, Lutsenko NF, Mangold AM. Development of Hardware and Software for the System of Remote Control of Geometrical Parameters of Railcar Wheelsets. 2017 ;13(2):33-42.
Nikitin Yu.A, Rukas-Pasichnyuk VG. The Development of Innovative Capacity of R&D Institutions of Ukraine as a Result of Participation in the Project of the Seventh Framework Program of the European Union. 2015 ;11(1):21-24.
Breus NM, Hrybkov SV, Polischuk GYe, Seidykh OL. Development of Mathematical Apparatus of the Expert System for Modelling Ice Cream Recipes with Specified Quality Parameters. 2019 ;15(5):69-77.
Lehnert SO, Khomenko OO, Dubinina AA, Malyuk LP, Skyrda OYe, Radchenko AE. Development of Peanut Quality Criteria for Determination of its Rational Use. 2019 ;15(5):23-33.
Kuchuk-Yatsenko SI, Havrysh VS, Rudenko PM, Nakonechny AO, Shevchuk SA, Zavertanny MS. Development of Resistance Butt Welding Technology and Prototype Equipment for Joining Carbide Bar Chain Ripper Teeth of VK-8 Material. 2019 ;15(1):72-81.
Alpatov AP, Palii OS, Skorik ОD. The Development of Structural Design and the Selection of Design Parameters of Aerodynamic Systems for De-orbiting Upper-stage Rocket Launcher. 2017 ;13(4):29-39.
