
Found 350 results
Author Title Type [ Year(Desc)]
Nikitin Yu.A, Rukas-Pasichnyuk VG. The Development of Innovative Capacity of R&D Institutions of Ukraine as a Result of Participation in the Project of the Seventh Framework Program of the European Union. 2015 ;11(1):21-24.
Lysenko VS, Yehorov SO, Pokshevnitskaya TV. Development of Technology Profiles for the Transfer of Energy- and Resource Saving Technologies. 2015 ;11(1):49-54.
Zaliznyak BV. Effective Cooperation of Academic and University Science. An interview with Yevstahii KRYZHANIVSKI, the Principal of the Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, Full Member of the NAS of Ukraine. 2015 ;11(4):12-15.
Basok BI, Belyaeva TG, Bozhko IK, Nedbaylo AN, Novikov VG, Khybyna MA. The Electrical Supply System for the Experimental «Zero-Energy» Building (300 m2) Based on Renewable and Alternative Energy Sources. 2015 ;11(6):24-32.
Geidarov PSh. Electronic Seminar. 2015 ;11(5):63-65.
Lobanov LM, Makhlin NM, Smoljakov VK, Sviridenko AO. Equipment for Preparing the Pipeline Position Butts for Welding. 2015 ;11(5):38-52.
Blume Ya.B, Pirko Ya.V, Burlaka OM, Borova MM, Danylenko IA, Smertenko PS, Yemets AI. "Green" Synthesis of Noble Metal Nanoparticles and CdS Semiconductor Nanocrystals Using Biological Materials. 2015 ;11(1):55-66.
Karpov PA, Brytsun VM, Demchuk OM, Pydiura NO, Ozheredov SP, Samofalova DA, Spivak SI, Yemets AI, Kalchenko VI, Blume Ya.B, et al. High-Throughput Screening of New Antimitotic Compounds Based on CSLabGrid Virtual Organization. 2015 ;11(1):85-93.
Opeida IO. Innovating Organocatalysis as Promising Trend in Oxidation Reactions with Molecular Oxygen. 2015 ;11(6):55-59.
Novikov MV, Lisakovskiy VV, Zanevskiy OA, Ivakhnenko SA. Innovative Attractiveness of Structurally Perfect Diamond Single Crystals in the View of Their Purposeful Use in the Cutting-Edge Techniques of the 21st Century. 2015 ;11(1):45-48.
