Stand-Alone Hardware Analytical System ААК12 for Detection of Geologic Faults in Coal Beds with the Use of Seismic Exploration in Mines

TitleStand-Alone Hardware Analytical System ААК12 for Detection of Geologic Faults in Coal Beds with the Use of Seismic Exploration in Mines
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsAntsiferov, AV, Tumanov, VV, Glukhov, AA, Arkhipenko, AI
Short TitleSci. innov.
SectionResearch and Technical Innovative Projects of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

The general-circuit solutions for stand-alone hardware analytical system ААК12 have been described taking into account the safety measures for its implementation in mines. The performance capabilities of the main units and modules of the equipment have been considered for analogue and digital processing of recorded seismic signals, visualization and on-line analysis of the current measurements, as well as for data storage for further computer processing. The ААК12 basic technical specifications have been given.

Keywordsexplosion protection, prediction of mining-geological conditions, seismic signals, spark-safe electric circuit, stand-alone hardware analytical system

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4. Safety Rules in the Coal Mines. Labor Safety Regulations 10.0-1.01-10
5. Occupational Safety Standards System. Explosion-Safe Electrical Equipment. Terms and Definitions. Classification. Marking. GOST 12.2.020
6. Explosion-Proof Electric Equipment. General Technical Requirements and Test Methods. GOST 22782.0
7. Explosion-Proof Electric Equipment with Explosion Protection “Intrinsically Safe Electrical Circuit”. Technical Requirements and Test Methods. GOST 22782.5