Protective Action Mechanism of ECOSTIM Nanocomposite for Presowing Treatment of Seeds

TitleProtective Action Mechanism of ECOSTIM Nanocomposite for Presowing Treatment of Seeds
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsTurov, VV, Krupska, TV, Barvinchenko, VM, Lipkovska, NA, Yukhymenko, Ye.V, Kartel, MT
Short TitleSci. innov.
SectionResearch and Engineering Innovative Projects of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

The state of water in KCl hydrated powder, in KCl/AM1/H2O composite system and with hydrophobic organic compounds added has been studied in the air environment by low-temperature NMR spectroscopy. The presence of hydrophobic nanoparticles in composite system consisting of KCl hydrated salt powder and AM1-300 hydrophobic nanosilica has been established to significantly increase water binding to the surface. As a result, water retention in the composite is significantly higher than in the powder fertilizers. An additional increase in interfacial water binding has been reported for the case when KCl/AM1/H2O composite system contacts with hydrophobic substance imitating hydrophobic areas of seed surface. It is likely explained by an increase in free energy as a result of water cluster split in nanoscale systems with hydrophobic and hydrophilic components.

Keywordscomposite system, mineral fertilizers, NMR spectroscopy, seeds, strongly- and weakly bound water, water clusters

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