Abbas, Asad, Avdic, Anders, Barker, Kathryn C., Xiaobao, Peng
Knowledge Transfer from Universities to Industry Through University Technology Transfer Offices
Language: English
Sci. innov. 2018, 14(2):05-18
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Nazarovets, S.A.
Black Open Access in Ukraine: Analysis of Downloading Sci-Hub Publications by Ukrainian Internet Users
Language: English
Sci. innov. 2018, 14(2):19-24
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Zharkov, I.P., Safronov, V.V., Khodunov, V.O., Konoval, V.M., Maslov, V.O., Selivanov, O.V., Solonetsky, A.G., Strelchuk, V.V., Nikolenko, А.S., Tsykaniuk, B.I., Naseka, V.M.
Creation of Specialized Manipulators for Low Temperature Research
Language: English
Sci. innov. 2018, 14(2):27-34
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Gordiyenko, E.Yu., Glushchuk, M.I., Fomenko, Yu.V., Shustakova, G.V., Dzeshulska, I.I., Ivanko, Yu.F.
Nondesructive Testing of Composite Materials of Aircraft Elements by Active Thermography
Language: English
Sci. innov. 2018, 14(2):37-47
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Tkachenko, T.V., Yevdokymenko, V.O., Kamenskyh, D.S., Filonenko, M.M., Vakhrin, V.V., Kashkovsky, V.I.
Processing Vegetable Waste оf Different Origin
Language: English
Sci. innov. 2018, 14(2):48-61
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Lobanov, L.M., Makhlin, N.M., Vodolazsky, V.Ye., Korotynsky, О.Ye., Zhernosekov, А.М., Popov, V.Ye., Skopiuk, М.І., Lavrov, S.І., Kudriashev, V.B.
State-Of-The-Art Ukrainian Equipment for Machine Welding of High-Pressure Pipelines of the Second Loop of NPP Units of Ukraine
Language: English
Sci. innov. 2018, 14(2):62-79
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