The Thermo Techno Modern Analytical Equipment for Research and Industrial Laboratories

TitleThe Thermo Techno Modern Analytical Equipment for Research and Industrial Laboratories
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsKhokhlov, SV, Smyrny, MA
Short TitleSci. innov.
SectionThe World of Innovations

A brief overview of some models of Thermo Techno analytical equipment and possible areas of their application is given. Thermo Techno Corporation was established in 2000 as a part of representative office of Thermo Fisher Scientific International Corporation, a world leader in manufacturing analytical equipment. Thermo Techno is a unique company which has its integrated approach to providing the user with support in solving its tasks, which includes a series of steps: setting of analytical assignment, selection of effective analytical methods, sample delivery and preparation, as well as data transfer and archiving.

Keywordsdispersed systems, elemental and phase composition, particle size analysis, powder X-ray diffraction, Thermo Fіsher Scіentіfіc, X-ray fluorescent analyzer, X-ray spectroscopy