
Found 350 results
Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
Paduchak BM. New Innovation Trends of the Western World. 2014 ;10(4):39-44.
Shatokha VI, Velichko ОG, Polushenko VА. New Public Role of Professors and Approaches TO Commercialization of Intellectual Property in UK. 2014 ;10(4):45-49.
Sukhomlinov AB. New Research Instruments Manufactured by Shimadzu Corporation. 2014 ;10(2):31-36.
Chekman IS, Belenichev IF, Demchenko AV, Bobrova VI, Kucherenko LI, Gorchakova NA, Bukhtiyarova NV. Nootropics in Complex Therapy of Chronic Cerebral Ischemia. 2014 ;10(4):56-68.
Bilous VА, Voyevodin VМ, Strelnitskij VYe., Didenko SYu., Rybka ОV, Mazilov ОV, Vasyl’ev VV, Luchaninov ОА, Reshetnyak ОМ, Ilchenko МІ, et al. Organization of Experimental Technological Complex for Serial Manufacturing and Testing of Products and Semi-Products Made of Diamond-Like and Laminated Composites for Leading Branches of Mechanical Engineering. 2014 ;10(4):5-19.
Kossko TG, Pavlygo TM. Patent Research and Its Relevance for Innovation Development. 2014 ;10(1):63-68.
Basok BI, Bozhko IK, Belyaeva TG, Goncharuk SM, Nedbailo OM, Novitska MP, Tkachenko MV, Khybyna MA. The Polyvalent Heat Supply System for Passive-Type Experimental Building (area of 300 m2) Based on Renewable and Alternative Energy Sources. 2014 ;10(6):31-46.
Pugatch VM. Position-Sensitive Silicon Detector for X-Ray Difractometry of Rapid Processes. 2014 ;10(2):25-30.
Anon. Post-Release of the 7th Integrated Support of Laboratories International Forum. 2014 ;10(6):69-73.
Rudenko LI, Khan VE, Kashkovskyi VI, Dzhuzha OV. Purification of Drain Water and Distillation Residue from Organic Compounds, Transuranic Elements, and Uranium at the Chornobyl NPP. 2014 ;10(3):16-25.
