
Found 350 results
Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
Bulat АF, Voloshyn OI, Potapchuk IYu., Yemelianenko VI, Zhovtonoha MM, Zhevzhyk OV, Manigandan S. Mathematical Modeling of the Gas Dynamic Parameters of Impinging Heat-Transfer Medium Jet in Borehole Thermal Reaming Process. 2019 ;15(3):17-23.
Gasanov SS, Kotlyarevsky Ya.V, Melnikov OV, Kniaziev SI, Shtangret AM, Semenyuk EP. Methodological Approaches to Labor Norming in Scholarly Research and Development. 2019 ;15(1):5-24.
Zhylenko TI, Kudryavtsev AM, Zakharkevich OV. Mobile Application to Calculate the Parameters of Top Wear Basic Design. 2019 ;15(3):24-34.
Mironenko VP, Tsymbalova TA. Mobile Housing for Recreational use in Post-industrial Prydniprovia. 2019 ;15(1):92-99.
Shkitsa LYe., Kornuta VA, Kornuta OV, Bekish IO. The Model of Informational Space for Innovation and Design Activities in the University. 2019 ;15(6):14-22.
Alibeygi Marziyeh, Sajadi Farzaneh. Offering a Method to Find the Most Proper Parking Space in the City Automobile Expediency Network by Genetic Algorithm. 2019 ;15(1):85-91.
Tugay OA, Zeltser RYa., Kolot MA, Panasiuk IO. Organization of Supervision over Construction Works Using Uavs and Special Software. 2019 ;15(4):21-28.
Holovenko TM, Yanyuk TI, Boyko GA, Dyagilev AS, Shovkomud OV. Promising Methods and Systems of Quality Control of Innovative Bast Raw Material. 2019 ;15(3):91-104.
Us MV, Titko IA. Protection of Economic Competition and Intellectual Property: Search for an Optimal Regulatory Model. 2019 ;15(2):41-51.
Ponomarev OG, Rebrov VА, Kolinko SV. Proton Beam Writing Device Based on Electrostatic Accelerator for 3D Micro- and Nano-Structure Fabrication. 2019 ;15(4):55-61.
